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Tag Archives: heart

Summer’s Bounty: Diet Tips for Staying Balanced in the ‘Great Yang’ Season.

The Great Yang season is upon us. Yang energy is bright, fiery and hot like the midday sun. Yang is the counterbalance to Yin. Yin is expressed in the cooling, calming energies of life. Together, Yin & Yang, like night & day, represent the dynamic balance between the opposing, but complementary forces that make up all of existence.

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What is Anxiety? Insights from East & West

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition in the US.
Despite very different medical terminology used by Eastern and Western practitioners, there are significant overlaps in the understanding of how anxiety disorders can arise and play out in the body.

For example, the heart plays a central role in Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) understanding of anxiety.

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Valentine’s Day: Empower Your Heart With Your Kidneys!

This Valentine’s day, whether you celebrate romantic love with a partner, enjoy the love of family and friends, or simply go on with life, marking another day on the calendar, it can be a chance to at least take a moment and honor one of the most important relationships in our lives. In Chinese Medicine philosophy, the relationship at

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